NewtonPlayGround is basically done

Yes, the application itself is finished! I’ve spent almost all time I could spare since my last posting (on average several hours a day) for finishing and fixing the last few things/quirks that were left and it’s finished as of now. There were many small things that annoyed me, which needed improvement/fixing and that was what I spent those hours on. It’s somehow frightening to see how those small things consume time fixing them, as there were so many. [Read More]

Media Update

Well, I’m still working hard on the NewtonPlayGround to get it out of the door not too long after the final bugfix release of Newton 1.5, so here is a media update to inform you on what’s up with it. And so to show how much I did with the PlayGround, here are some screenshots : And here are the descriptions (from left to right) : Shot 1 : This is the most recent scene, and I just finished it some minutes ago. [Read More]

1.35 is around the corner

Newton 1.35 Believe it or not, but the 1.35 release of Newton is almost upon us! We SDK-developers are getting constantly updated SDKs (almost every two days or so) and it looks better and better with each SDK. The only thing that’s really left for the Newton makers is now the overhaul of the vehicle container and some tweaking and testing. Julio (the main man behind NGD) already said that he wants to release 1. [Read More]

Porting the NewtonPlayGround

Porting small demos (like the SDL-Newton demos) is something trivial, but porting such a big application like the NewtonPlayGround is a rather hard and also time-consuming task, so I’ll have to put some thoughts into this before making decissions that I later on may regret. Porting it to other OS’es than Win32 was initially not on my list, but Dominique Louis pointed out that I should use SDL to start with porting, but sadly that’s not the only thing that needs to be done. [Read More]

NewtonPlayGround again and Dawn of War Addon

So yesterday I finally finished getting motorized and limited joints to work in my NewtonPlayGround. This means that hinges and universals can now not only be motorized but they also can be limited and the motor then will change it’s direction after one of the limits is reached. This is especially interesting for creating complexer walkers which e.g. have a walk cycle. So on a quick test I put together a humanoid walker that almost walks on two legs using those motorized and limited joints. [Read More]