Delphi/Pascal OpenGL Header updated to 4.6

The Delphi/Pascal OpenGL headers have been updated to support OpenGL 4.6. The current version of this header can always be found at the github repository, the 4.6 release has also been tagged. This version adds support for all ARB extensions added to OpenGL 4.6 and brings a few cross-platform fixes (mostly for Free Pascal) along with a few fixes and added constants for a few extensions that have been missing. [Read More]

Small update to the Delphi/Pascal OpenGL Header

Due to some user feedback, I’ve updated our delphi/pascal OpenGL header translation.

You can get it over at theĀ bitbucket repository, and now finally with a proper markdown readme ;)

The changes include fixed type declarations for boolean types (so you can now finally write glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)), and some fixes for exception handling on 64-bit windows platforms.

Delphi/Pascal OpenGL Header now supports OpenGL 4.5

With OpenGL 4.5 beingĀ released (and NVidia already having drivers out in the wild) I’ve updated our Delphi/Pascal OpenGL Header translation to the latest OpenGL version. You can always grab the most recent header translation from the bitbucket repository, where you’ll also find updates aside from the major OpenGL releases. If you’re missing anything from the headers, like a vendor specific extension missing, or want to give feedback just drop me a line. [Read More]


I’ve just been playing around with GL_ARB_debug_output, a new extension introduced with OpenGL 4.3. This extension adds debugging capabilities to OpenGL, e.g. allowing you to have a callback fired by the OpenGL implementation that’ll inform you upon errors or even (heavily depending on the IHV) gives performance hints. I wrote a small sample (in Delphi) that demonstrates this new functionality. It creates an OpenGL 4.3 forward compatible context (no more legacy stuff) with debugging capabilites and displays debug messages from your OpenGL driver. [Read More]

Delphi/Pascal OpenGL Header updated and on bitbucket

I just updated our Delphi / Pascal OpenGL Header to include the two missing extensions GL_ARB_sparse_texture and GL_ARB_bindless_texture introduced alongside OpenGL 4.4. And from now on you can always get the latest release from the repository over at github. Since the latest drivers for my GPU sadly won’t support OpenGL 4.4 (AMD dropped driver support for Vista, so maybe it’s finally time to upgrade) I haven’t been able to test the two new extensions. [Read More]

From Delphi, Windows, OpenGL and Newton to

…Java , Android, OpenGL ES and Box2D. That’s what I’ve been doing the last few days during my (currently rather rare) coding sessions. I wrote a simple physics playground using JBox2D for my phone that allows me to drop different objects by the touch of a finger and also uses the orientation sensor to change the gravity vectors. Putting lots of dynamic objects inside a confined box, and seeing them fall over by just tilting the phone is a fun affair ;) [Read More]

Delphi / Pascal header for OpenGL 4.4

I just updated our OpenGL header translations to the latest 4.4 specs just released by Khronos. So if you’re developing cutting-edge 3D stuff with Delphi or Free Pascal you can now use the latest features available, as long as you’ve got the hardware and your vendor released new drivers (currently only NVIDIA seems to have GL 4.4 drivers out there). This header also fixes some minor bugs that have been reported by some of our community headers. [Read More]

Delphi / Pascal header for OpenGL 4.3

Just a quick heads-up to let you know that I’ve updated our “official” OpenGL-Headers for Delphi / Free Pascal to the recently release version of OpenGL 4.3. So if you’re developing cutting-edge 3D stuff with Delphi or Free Pascal you can now use the latest features available, as long as you’ve got the hardware and your vendor released new drivers (I can’t wait for the first OpenGL 4.3 report to be uploaded to the glCapsViewer database Update : Thanks to end, who has uploaded the first OpenGL 4. [Read More]

Dungeon Crawler Demo with Source released

Some of you might remember my article on random dungeon generation that I released back in 2010. I recently took a look at the demo and sat down to finish it up and release it to the public along with the complete source code. The demo comes with full source code, including the source for random dungeon generation (with practically no limit for the dungeon size) and implements a simple OpenGL renderer with per-pixel-lighting. [Read More]

Omni-directional lights using cubemap shadows

It looks like my dungeon crawler prototype isn’t actually evolving into a game, but much more into a personal testbed for more-or-less current rendering techniques (due to Projekt “W” I’ve been lacking in the field of recent rendering techniques a bit). And so one of the things I always wanted to implement were shadows for omni-directional light sources. I’ve been doing that with stencil shadows years ago, but stencil shadows aren’t the preferred way of doing this nowadays due to their limitations, including sharp edges (yes, there are ways to get around this, but they’re expensive in terms of computing) and a high demand for fillrate. [Read More]