Terrain Texture Generator

About As the ZornGL-Engine had it’s own terrainrenderer, I decided to write this tool that can automatically generate a single huge texture map for a terrain. Based on the height-values in a greyscale image (the heightmap) it generates a single texture with a given set of texture distrbuted depending on the height of the map at a certain point. Over time the tool evolved and a lot of functionality was added, even upon user request as this tool seems to be widely used (even in some known projects). [Read More]

Sidus Obscurus

About Sidus Obscurus was my first big game project that I wrote using Delphi and Win32. Back in the days I didn’t knew about OpenGL so it used some very old DirectX-components for Delphi (called DGC) which gave me a lot of trouble later on as they didn’t work with newer DirectX versions. In total I worked around 2 years on this game, gameplay was a bit like Ascendancy with it’s space exploration, resarch and different alien races but combined with a real-time-strategy part. [Read More]