Axel Gneiting from iD software recently ported Quake to Vulkan (based on the QuakeSpasm OpenGL port) and released the sources at github with support for windows and Linux. With Vulkan also being available on Android, I decided to use the knowledge gained while porting my Vulkan examples and Demos over to Android and add it to his Vulkan Quake port.
I have tested with the registered and full .pak files of the original Quake and both are fully playable. The Android port supports gamepads and all the gameplay elements are there, including working multiplayer. A few things are still missing, e.g. there is no sound yet as SDL audio doesn’t work on Android out-of-the box. I’m currently looking into implementing OpenSL but no ETA on that yet.
No binaries yet (as the .pak file has to be packed in the .apk and I don’t want to redistribute these), but if you want to try this, the code is available at
It includes all files necessary to build the APK using the Android NDK and should run on other Android devices too (but note that you’d need a gamepad).