As you may have guessed from the complete new layout and design I redid my homepage (again, this is the sixth iteration since I went only 4 years or so ago). My old web-package only included 200 MBytes of webspace and that hasn’t been really enough to hold all my projects which forced me to delete old things when uploading new stuff. And therefore I decided to upgrade to the next bigger web-package with 1 GByte of webspace but this one also includes MySQL (5 databases) as well as PHP.
So I also decided to get rid of a static HTML website and move on to a dynamic page that’ll allow people to comment on my stuff like projects and will make updating and adding content easier. To help my with that the page is now running WordPress (which is a great thing and I therefore want to thank it’s authors), and I’m using it not only for blogging but also as a CMS to e.g. organize downloads. So that also means that I won’t update my old blog anymore but instead blog on my own page from now on (and news on Project “W” will be coming within the next days).
But converting all the old static content over is a lot of work (and there is a lot of content on my pages) so there is still a lot missing here. Therefore if you need some of the content of the old page you can’t find here, please visit the old page over here. It’ll remain online until I moved over all content.