Yes, it’s finally out! Though it’s no longer called 1.35, but 1.5 instead due to the huge number of changes/additions. So go to the Newton Page and download it ASAP.
And then get the Delphi/Pascal headers from my Newton Subdomain. This time, it’s not only the updated header, but it also contains a translation of the custom joints that are included in the Newton SDK (see my last news post for more info on what that actually is). If you find any bugs or encounter problems with the new headers or the custom joints please report them in this thread on the Newton forums.
And a note to all Free Pascal - users : The new newton.dll needs a stack-size of at least 1 MByte, but the default for FPC is much lower. So if you want to use the current SDK with FPC please make shure you set the stack-size for your application to something above 1 MByte.